african GB Member
JoinedTopics Started by african GB Member
by mankkeli into onthewayout, 00dad, cedars and other reknowned faders.
reports have reached patterson that faders are much more dangerous than those disfellowshipped.
their reasons for fading are no longer new to the gb.
Has anyone ever worked for a Home Health Agency service Sales position? Home Health Care Account Executive?
by Voices ini'm being offered this position that's 50k a year, which would be a termendious raise from my current nursing profession and i'm very interested, but also very timid and nervous.
i have a pretty solid job right now, which a schedule that works 7-3 day shift.
i pretty much am living pay check to paycheck worrying about makin grent etc.. because of all the financial obligations.
Jehovahs Witnesses DID got the truth to Adolf Hitler - he knew about it!
by Intel in.
found historical proof here:.
What Is the longest Prayer (Meeting, Circuit Assymbly, District, Internation.) You have endured?
by AvocadoJake inplace los angeles dodger stadium temperature 97-100 degrees.
prayer lenght 25 minutes of pain!.
Buried my 17 yr old nephew yesterday....hug ur kids!!
by crazyblondeb incant really go into the whole story, but yesterday we bured my.
17 yr old nephew....just reminds me of how important family is....
any fights, squabbles..arent important!.
I finally drove off my wonderful jw wife...and i am so sad..
by oompa ini helped her move out this weekend so i must be a masochist on top of losing every friend in my life...i have now lost my wife...and yes i asked her to leave on more than one occasion this year...we have argued for nearly five years about wt crap...nothing i could ever say would make her question anything!!!!
it was beyond frustrating...then this spring when i somehow disassociated myself and even lost my parents i knew i would never have a normal marriage no matter what...all i wanted was a normal marriage with mutual friends...that is off the table as long as she is a jw...but why could i not accept it???
why could i not shut up???
New Member
by Twisty inhi.
my wife and myself are active witnesses.. before i go into great depth about our past and what brings me here, i would like to make sure i am posting this in the right section.. i'm a little technologically retarded so please bear with me.. .
Advice for those who want to stay in, for some reason.One of the ways to get Elders off your back is to have an ally in the BOE, especially the one who is often on JC's.
by african GB Member in...and keep him very close, buy him some presents, take him out for supper and maybe even give him money.
that way you are a little bit assured of not getting punished or of getting a very lenient outcome if you happen to find yourself on jc..
Really stupid comment from an elder (and he was completely serious!)
by freshstart inmy husband and this elder in our old congregation used to trade dvds and such, just letting each other borrow them.
they would always return them to each other in a timely manner, no big deal.
well in 2005 they had traded some and about a week after that, a terrible natural disaster hit our area and everyone was displaced and it was a few months before things got settled back down again.